Laravel 5.4 #2 : Routes, controllers and views

In this post, we are going to explain how to create new routes in Laravel, what they are and how to use the controllers and views.

If we access to the directory where we created our new Laravel project, we will see that there are many directories. Each directory has many files with its functionality.

  • app: where are all the classes of our app. (controllers, models, etc.)
  • bootstrap: contains what is necessary to bootstrap the framework
  • config: contains the configuration files
  • database: contains the migrations and seeds
  • public: contains the index.php that is the file where all the requests go
  • resources: contains the views and no-compiled assets (JS, CSS, etc)
  • routes: contains your app routes
  • storage: contains cache and logs
  • tests: contains tests
  • vendor: contains the dependencies

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Laravel 5.4 #1 : Install and create the first project

Laravel is a PHP framework created by Taylor Otwell. Currently, it is one of the most famous PHP frameworks that exist and also is one of the most used because of its simplicity, but this doesn’t mean that isn’t a complete framework, just the opposite. It has a lot of features that make more and more people support the project.

The community behind it is huge, they contribute to the core and with many packages (in some days I will explain about this) that help us to save time in common tasks in almost every project.

Some features it has:

  • Own template engine, Blade
  • Own ORM, Eloquent
  • Routes
  • Packages
  • MVC
  • And many more

Continue reading “Laravel 5.4 #1 : Install and create the first project”


Welcome to my new blog in which I will publish articles about new programming trends.

The main goal will be to publish articles every month about a different technology. For example, during this first month (July) I will be publishing about Laravel, a PHP framework with many features, but quite simple to start to using it. And will be like this the following months.

The technologies which I’m going to talk about I may dominate them, I may have done something previously for work or on my own, or even it may just be totally new to me. Therefore, I will also learn as I post the posts. That’s another blog point, learn all together.

Also I will publish tips, news or about other things that has nothing to do with the main theme of the month, but it won’t be the common thing.